How to develop a F1 tire | drivedigitalsuccess #3

Show notes

Today’s episode of #drivedigitalsuccess is where the rubber truly meets the road, because we’retalking tires! For this we have invited Mario Isola from Pirelli - F1’s exclusive tire provider - to explain what goes into making a tire, what testing methods Formula 1 offers Pirelli and what new developments we will see in the near future.


  1. How much data is required to make a good F1 tire?

  2. To what extent is physical testing possible and how much is simulation?

  3. Why must Pirelli continue to work so hard, despite their exclusivity with F1?

  4. Do drivers test their tires before the races?

🏎️ #drivedigitalsuccess Take a technical glimpse behind the scenes of modern F1 racing to understand how technology is accelerating motorsport! How is racing connected to Cloud? What technology drives a modern race car? How can sustainability and racing go together? We talk with experts from the Haas F1 team as well as industry experts to answer questions you don’t even know you have yet.


🎙️Guest: Mario Isola - Head of F1 & Car Racing at Pirelli

🎙️Host: Chris Medland — Formula 1 Expert and Presenter


00:00 – 02:10 Intro

02:10 – 05:47 How to build a Formula 1 tire

05:47 – 09:08 How does testing work for Pirelli?

09:08 – 13:27 What is coming in 2022?


☁️ Brought to you by IONOS – First-class cloud and IT infrastructure:

🎧 Produced by digital kompakt – Your expert in first class podcasts:

Show transcript

00:00:00: Welcome to drive digital.

00:00:08: You're behind the scenes podcast about Formula 1 and the technology driving is presented by Chris medland and Mandy Carter Howard b.

00:00:18: Class cloud in eye.

00:00:20: Music.

00:00:26: Mario isola head of F1 and car racing at

00:00:30: how long is it been in Formula 1 has been in Formula 1 since 2011 but I'm talking just about the last period because obviously we have been involved since the 50s

00:00:41: we the first Victorian or Farina and other great drivers and then in the 19th and back for a recurrent period from 20

00:00:49: and the tyre supplier Formula 1 exclusively right now why are tyres so important in Formula

00:00:55: first of all because is the only part of the car that is touching the ground and giving if we are the supplier the teams are dedicated a lot of resources to understand how the product

00:01:05: and how they can extract performance from the product because if they're able to understand by the product.

00:01:13: An operator tyres at the maximum level of Greater obviously they have an advantage when did.

00:01:19: Tyres when the only time they giving protyre's at a racetrack or do they get them at their factory to look at and to use other times only at the.

00:01:29: And there are some limitations for dammit oh past the tires for example with regular indoor machines they have number of what we call non-competition tyres that are designed for

00:01:41: specific use for example there are a number of South Korea of winter tyres a number of Sainsbury of tyres or for their promotional events but we don't have to work.

00:01:54: Any race or test it was decided by the FIA limitation for damage to an additional charge

00:02:00: when you have a bit of a addict ability it is better for the show because otherwise the engineer stop trying to predict everything I believe that is better to give them

00:02:09: would challenge.

00:02:10: Looks easy when everyone put tiles on their Road cars and gets given a set of tyres from you guys but there's a lot of work that goes into creating that time the first place where do you start when you have to build a Formula 1 car

00:02:21: I would say we start a from simulations now and then we have a very good vehicle model of the tire that we share with the team so they can look in the model into their simulators and give you feedback so the start of The Activity is on a virtual models and unit element analysis

00:02:39: we move into the first of physical prototypes first element that we have to define is the profile of the tyre because

00:02:46: obviously you have to build a molded and the it takes time and it's important to the find the profile as a first and then we finalize a construction and then.

00:02:55: He is about compounds because you need to level up compounds on the final version of the construction in order to make the compound.

00:03:03: Polly Webb the right foot print the right pressure and temperature distribution and saunas.

00:03:09: What are the different compounds that you then developed for Formula 1 we develop 5 compounds for a sleek tyre so we could see one that is the hardest to C5 that is the song

00:03:19: in the past we had also a different number of compounds depending on

00:03:24: target who wanted to achiever where the money or 7 compounds they are probably be too many I believe that 5 compounds is a good compromise the hardest compounds have the highest working Range close usually you.

00:03:38: Ballon with aggressive roughness of the tarmac and characteristics that

00:03:44: stressing the compounds that are higher level you put more energy into the tire and you reach higher temperature that is why the compound has a higher working Ranger going through all the ranger to the

00:03:55: C5 that is the softer compound with a lower range with different mechanical characteristics with more grip but obviously less resistance to wear that means that

00:04:07: is a tyre that degrees quickly and there's more where my we use the C5 on streets or low severity.

00:04:15: When you're developing with these compounds and all of the tires how much data do you need to gather to understand what they're doing and how do you do

00:04:22: we like to get as many data as we cannot because I was late for the engineer that are in R&D any data

00:04:29: we got that Elementary data from the famous to give you an idea we received more than 82 channels from that we are interested in the channels that are telling us how the tires are working on Castle channels related to the suspension to temperature.

00:04:45: The pressure where profile level where level of the patient feedback from the team from the driver of course because then we can compare driver comment with the telemetry data and the other point is that we want

00:04:58: track data within the day

00:05:01: so we characterize each tyre weeder some indoor machines that we have in Milan and in other places it's really important to get this correlation in order of find you know what model and make them my models and make them even.

00:05:17: Take the Bolton now or to expand the model on other applications such as intermediate layer and what tyre for example because on top of the five

00:05:27: bounce and district product we have also design an intermediate layer or different characteristics and wet tyre for Fulwood condition with hirers

00:05:36: complaining for example and it's important that we have the problem crossover between the west intermediate and the.

00:05:43: Cancel the teams have the opportunity to choose the right tyre depending on weather conditions and a little bit more freedom than Formula One teams get in terms of testing.

00:05:52: How restricted are you still in tons of actually be able to run tyres on a race track and how much simulation work then do you have

00:05:59: in terms of testing I believed that now we have a good compromise I appreciate that is difficult for teams to accommodate additional testing when we have a championship

00:06:08: 23 razor and the time left is very little so we have now 25 days of testing the door

00:06:14: the dedicated to tyres and the Wheatus with all the teams so-so for the teams it means a couple of days

00:06:20: what team are a bit more in the past it was more difficult we started in 2011 using an older Toyota 2009 that was still a representative car at that time but obviously that they were running out.

00:06:33: Bars and the car was not representative in terms of performance so going through the years we are the different

00:06:40: option situation now the last one that were ever 25 days of testing we can dedicate the 20 days for his linctus and usually we have a 5 or 6 days

00:06:50: for weather intermediate tyres and I believe it's a good company

00:06:54: in parallel we work with the teams with all the teams in order to get the data and feedback from them on our model

00:07:02: the thermomechanical models and definite element model really important when we have a big change in technical regulation because in this case we don't

00:07:11: a car that he is really representative of the expected performance for the following year and that means that we work

00:07:19: with the simulation answer and simulator in 2016 where the to move to the wider tires the expected performance was 6 seconds quicker than car

00:07:29: we're running in 2016 and it was impossible to have a mule car with this.

00:07:34: 4-months now it is a very similar situation with cars that are completely different in 20-22 with the 18-in as we said and so comparing what to wait at from simulation data collected on.

00:07:48: Is a really helpful simulations you do in the team simulators or do you have your own simulator at

00:07:55: we ever were on simulator in Pirelli and we have our own model of Karen but we also rely on feedback that is coming

00:08:02: the team because they are on our modelling there simulators and that's helpful also to understand which is the difference in terms of simulations across the team to give you an example when we started the 18-inch tyre the first batch of Simulation coming from the things were quite different and then now the conversion to a motor of the car that is a lot more similar because of his

00:08:25: the weather still

00:08:26: in discussion on the technical regulation at the Beginning now we different title ations they have a model of the car that is a lot closer to

00:08:36: we're going to see on track next year and if you're using some of your own simulation work at some of the team simulator

00:08:43: understand that you have to use a cloud data to have access to all the different teams for simulation weed is an FTP access so yeah we have obviously all the protection will guarantee the confidentiality of the that also the access to these data are restricted

00:09:00: I do feel people in Tralee for example the allocated engineer as access to the.

00:09:05: Only offers on team and not other teams you mention the new tyres in 2022 but even if the regulations on changing do you develop and update the tires every seas

00:09:15: we develop and updated data every season because it is necessary to follow the increase of performance of the cars even if in a situation of technical regulation or very little changes we know that is the development that usually we can quantify in

00:09:30: 1 to 1.5 seconds per lap on another.

00:09:34: We usually take Barcelona's that reference that means that the level of energy and the level of stress that you're putting on the tiles is different and we

00:09:42: to find you on the products for next year even more relevant because we don't know exactly how the new cars are going to perform at and if we needed to adjust compounds arrange in order to be properly centre because we assume that cars next year will be closing times of performance at the beginning there was a discussion on that they were probably is lowered by

00:10:02: 23 s bell Ave now latest simulations are saying that very close is 0.5 seconds is nothing and I can imagine that maybe at the end of the season we are.

00:10:12: Fast as the current cars or even more so need to consider that to check that the compounds are working as.

00:10:19: Stay during our day of development task in opposite the construction and compound.

00:10:24: Given the amount of stretch bottom of x the performance of Formula 1 cars how do you go about taking the challenge of changing from 13 inches to 18 inches what was the programme you had to put in place to develop the new

00:10:36: changing from 13 to 18 inches is a challenge but luckily we have quite a good experience on the 18-inch tyres because it is the most popular size in mm

00:10:46: sporting GT Racing weather 80mm dia since many years or older cars we have 18 inch tires and even bigger diameter since when you're so we are happy first of all that with these new size the energy transfer

00:10:59: from Marmaris to Rhodes as we say even better even more relevant and also we had the possibility to use the experience that we haven't

00:11:07: categories formula one but former one is different because they're collateral or data level of energy that you bought into the tyres is much higher

00:11:16: any other serious so we have the experience now have two years of 18 inch tires in Formula 2 it was absolutely useful to anticipate the change in form or to in order to have a championship that is.

00:11:28: Close to Formula 1 and get data was showing the aerial erase environment but again a Formula One is different so when we calculate the forces the accelerations the energy that is

00:11:39: the tires they are different and that is why I can say it was a challenge back we are happy that we have the possibility to get this.

00:11:49: And just find a you took on a big challenge 22022 you update the tires every year it's a lot of work when you win every Formula 1 race why do you have to put in so much effort if you're going to win every

00:11:59: we ever to continue to develop to be on top of that because someone things are very demanding and they want a tyre with someone certain characteristics that we have discussed at 11 past drivers for example where asking for a tyre with less overheating then

00:12:16: Bush moron tired they want more action entire clothes racing as all the package for next year is design with this idea in mind.

00:12:23: Time is to be William certainly also if possible on Sunday during the race at different strategies one stop to stop

00:12:33: because this is good for Formula 1 this is a good the technical challenges for the team saying that it is good for the show so this is why we have the devil tyre Sweden

00:12:45: stop the development awesome thank you very much thank.

00:12:48: Thanks for listening see you on next pitstop in 2-weeks Drive edition.

00:12:59: What do you buy iron of first-class cloud in it infrastructure production.

00:13:06: Presenters on Mandy Carter and Chris medland.

00:13:09: Music and Sound design by Rafa if you'd like this podcast recommended to your.

00:13:17: Music.

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